Most of us want to invest in high-yield investments for an obvious reason: so we can earn more money. But it’s a difficult endeavor. Finding high-income assets that aren’t “yield traps” requires a lot of research, and it can be quite risky if you don’t know what you’re doing.
We wish you could tell you that with enough effort, and enough research to pick the best investments, you can guarantee yourself some high returns on your investments without taking on any risk. It’s just not true.
But we can teach you ways to reduce your risk.
The good news is, you don’t have to be a wonk to find high yields. You’d think you’d need to learn a lot of new concepts and terminology—expense ratios, beta coefficients, Sharpe ratios!—to buy the best high-return investments, but you don’t.
In fact, all you need to find out which high-yield investments are good for your portfolio is by doing thorough fundamental research and getting a better understanding of certain concepts related to risk and return.
This guide will identify the most common types of high-yield investments worth buying, explain what they are used for, and teach you how to quickly determine whether they’re worth your investment dollars. That includes teaching you how to spot red flags indicating when these products might be too good to be true (and why).
Safe Investments with High Returns—Top Picks
Primary Rating:
Primary Rating:
Primary Rating:
$89 for 1st year; $199 renewal
Minimum Investment: $5,000
Minimum Investment: $2,500
What are High Yield Investments?
Investing can provide you with funds to be used in other areas of your life- it might help fund your retirement, a vacation or may even need it to pay off an emergency.
Above all, investing grows your wealth—building up your funds for retirement and increasing your purchasing power over time.
Owning high-yielding investments can get you to a secure financial future sooner than low-risk, low-return investments. High-yield, high-return investments are assets which can provide great earnings on your invested dollars.
They can be acquired in a variety of ways, including buying shares and bonds from companies, purchasing real estate, or even alternative investment vehicles with high interest payments.
High yield investments provide an alternative to low-risk investing options such as bonds, CDs, money markets, savings accounts and treasuries. Though, both types of investments have a place in a well-balanced portfolio.
Investing can help you grow your wealth, but smart investing also involves balancing risks with returns. It’s also important to have the right knowledge and perspective about investing.
Stay on top of your debt, save up an emergency fund in case of unexpected expenses or a job loss, and attempt to ride out market fluctuations without liquidating your portfolio.
Because many great ways to invest exist, from very safe choices like savings accounts and CDs to medium-risk options like corporate bonds or even higher-risk options like individual stocks and index funds, you can build a diversified portfolio to build your wealth sustainably.
The following list below goes from the safest to riskiest investments. Consider each and how they might fit into your well-rounded investment portfolio.
What Are the Safest, Low-Risk Investments with Good Yields Right Now?
1. High-Yield Savings Account
Are you looking for a safe place to put your money? Look no further! With a high-yield savings account, nearly all deposits come guaranteed as Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured bank accounts, providing up to $250,000 in coverage in the event of bank failure or insolvency. In other words, your cash stays safe even if the financial institution doesn’t while continuing to generate interest income on your savings account deposit.
High-yield savings accounts allow depositors to earn interest income while lessening the worry of inflation eating away their hard earned cash. Deposits into these types of savings accounts may start out small but grow over time due to increased amounts being added every month. This should give you something positive to motivate you going forward. But you can also grow your balance by having interest earnings from holding your deposits in savings accounts.
Historically, interest rates vary from 3% – 5%, but recent interest rate activity has put rates at depressed levels. Some high-yield savings accounts offer tiers of interest rates depending on how much you deposit and how long you hold your money with the bank.
Some banks like CapitalOne allow you to open your savings account with no minimum deposit. Similarly, E*Trade doesn’t have a minimum deposit to open a high-yield savings account with their banking division, either.
While savings accounts can generate good interest payments that outpace inflation historically, they might not yield as much as you’d like right now. With time, these rates should rise and pay you more in high-yield savings accounts. If nothing else, earning anything on your cash is better than leaving it in a zero-interest savings account or just as cash in hand. This gives money in the savings account a chance to keep up with inflation and not lose value as quickly.
Related: Best Savings Account Alternatives
2. Certificates of Deposit
A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit account that earns interest for the full term, typically 3 months to 5 years. CDs often have higher rates than savings accounts or money market accounts because they include a time component for locking up your money before you can have it returned to you (without paying an early withdrawal penalty).
CDs are highly beneficial investments if you want a safe investment without any risk. They guarantee an upfront amount which matures at a predetermined date in addition to earning interest over the course of its duration. Withdrawals from these types of financial instruments may incur penalties if withdrawn before maturity. Therefore, make sure to plan your investment for the long term.
One high-yield CD option for your investment portfolio is to create a CD Ladder through a financial institution like CIT Bank. A CD ladder invests in a series of CDs, each maturing at different intervals over time such as every six months or one year. This strategy creates an optimal return on investments by taking advantage of higher interest rates that come as you park your cash longer. For people who know they’ll need cash at a certain point in the future, CD Ladders make great passive income ideas.
Check out CIT Bank’s CD rates to see if they make sense for your needs.
- CIT Bank is an online bank which offers competitive interest rates on its multiple products
- Earn many times more than the national average interest rate by keeping your cash and other savings in one of CIT Bank's banking products
Related: Best CD Alternatives [Safe Investments to Consider Instead]
3. Money Market Accounts
Money market accounts are safe and secure investment vehicles for savings. They work similarly to a CD or savings account with a few differences. They offer a higher return than traditional checking or savings accounts, but you are limited to the number of checks you can write against them each month. In fact, you can only write 6 checks per month against the account balance or the bank may force a conversion to a checking account- often one which doesn’t pay interest.
A money market account offers many advantages to savers who want an alternative place to store their savings. They can keep their money better out of reach from inflation, preserve liquidity, and earn more than other depository products. These financial products fit someone with a lower risk profile who wants to earn a decent return on their cash.
Young investors might want these types of accounts to store their down payment funds or build an emergency fund. Likewise, older individuals might want them as lower risk investments better able to provide them cash when they need it in retirement.
Once again, CIT Bank offers a competitive Money Market Account (MMA) worth considering for your savings without risk involved.
- CIT Bank is an online bank that offers competitive interest rates on its various products.
- CIT's money market accounts current yield roughly 3x the national average.
- CIT Bank's money market accounts feature no monthly service fees, 24/7 banking, mobile app access, and FDIC insurance of up to $250,000.
→ Keep In Mind
The FDIC offers coverage of up to $250,000 per person at the same bank. This doesn’t apply for each account. So, if you have a savings account, CD and MMA held at the same bank and the balances add up to $350,000 total between them, $100,000 of that money won’t carry FDIC coverage.
Related: Best Money Market Account Alternatives
Do you want to get serious about saving and planning for retirement? Sign up for Retire With Riley, Young and the Invested’s free retirement planning newsletter.
4. Treasuries
The U.S. Treasury Department sells Treasury bonds, commonly known simply as “Treasuries,” to fund government spending needs. This can include purposes such as paying off the national debt, funding Social Security benefits for current retirees or paying military salaries during wartime.
If you purchase a Treasury, the U.S. government will pay back your principal at the bond’s maturity plus interest on top of that amount semi-annually (or at maturity if it’s a 30-, 90- or 180-day Treasury bill). The Treasury also issues zero-coupon bonds which sell for steep discounts at issuance and redeem at their face value at maturity.
Treasuries have an extremely low risk of defaulting because they come backed by the full faith and credit of the United States federal government. They are among the safest investments you can make and often get used as a proxy for the “risk-free” rate of return in the economy. If the government could not pay its bills, it would either cut spending, raise taxes or both to make sure they can pay their creditors.
Treasuries would act just like a certificate of deposit in many ways. You can invest in government bonds directly or through government bond funds.
Here’s how it works:
- Treasury bills, notes and bonds are investments that have a set interest rate and maturity date ranging from 30 days to 30 years when you purchase them directly from the Treasury.
- You can also buy them in the secondary market and will have the maturity dates but less time until reaching maturity since you are purchasing them after they’ve initially been sold.
- This is a low-risk, safe investment consisting of coupon payments in the form of interest and a return of principal after maturity.
The coupon payments you receive from these bonds will remain predictable and fixed, allowing you to forecast your expected interest over the life of the bond. The face value of these bonds may rise or fall during the bond’s term due to movements in interest rates, stock market performance or any other number of factors.
Granted, you may come out ahead in the long run, but only because you’ve taken on additional risk. If you’re not confident that you can hold the bond until maturity, these investments, especially longer-term bonds, can prove to be a riskier high-yield investment.
Consider investing in Treasuries directly through You can also invest through a discount broker like E*Trade:
5. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities are a type of U.S. Treasury debt security designed to provide protection against the impact on principal value from inflation or deflation over time.
Many people turn to Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, to safeguard their portfolio from inflation over time. In exchange for this protection, you will receive lower interest rates than what you would earn on a normal Treasury of the equivalent length.
In terms of interest payments, that means they won’t generate income as much on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Though, while your interest will be lower than the same not TIPS Treasury bond, your principal will increase (or decrease) in value to match the Consumer Price Index.
For example, if inflation spikes higher to 4% per year, TIPS holders will see their principal jump up to keep pace while non-TIPS holders will suddenly see the value of their bonds decrease. The risk of your investment is dependent on how long you will need it and the type of treasury you invest in. Holding to maturity insulates you from interest rate movements because the face value will be paid in full at maturity.
6. Municipal Bonds
The federal government isn’t the only governmental entity which can issue debt to fund operations and investments. State and local governments can issue debt as well in the form of municipal bonds. These income-generating assets offer slightly better returns than Treasuries with only slightly more risk. Because the likelihood of the Federal government defaulting on their debt is low, they pay the lowest interest in the debt market.
Municipal bonds have a similar, though slightly higher risk profile because the local or state government can also cut expenses or raise taxes to pay for the debt. That said, many major cities like Detroit have filed for bankruptcy in the past and lost their bondholders a lot of money. Most people are probably aware that bankruptcies are not uncommon, but, just to be extra sure, you might consider avoiding any cities or states with large unfunded pension liabilities.
The other benefit of municipal bonds given by the Federal government is making them tax-exempt at the federal level. High-income earners can achieve higher after-tax comparable yields with municipal bonds because they can avoid federal taxes on their interest payments.
To avoid concentrating too much risk in one bond issuance, you can buy government bonds at the local and state level through municipal bond funds. You should also consider whether you should target bonds in your own state if possible because they generally become exempt from state and local taxes as well if the issuer is your state of residence. That said, you might still wish to diversify outside of your home state, despite this resulting in a higher state income tax bill. Concentrating too much investment in one area can be good investment advice for all types of assets.
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7. Corporate Bonds
Dialing up the risk more, corporate bonds carry inherently more risk than Treasuries and often munis. Though, if you choose to steer clear of questionable companies and stick with major, blue-chip companies, you’re likely safer with your investments.
As a bit of advice, if you aim to avoid unnecessary risk, don’t invest in the lower-rated debt securities available called “junk bonds.” Despite them being higher yielding investments, the extra risk you take on isn’t likely worth it if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Much like when you buy government bonds through a bond fund, you might buy corporate bonds through corporate bond funds. This gives you multiple investments in different, stable companies to receive regular cash payments from the fund.
Corporate bonds provide higher risk, higher return investment options for your portfolio. If you stick to quality, investment grade companies, these will likely remain safe investments in solid financial institutions.
Higher Risk, High-Yield Investment Options [Best Investments Right Now]
A good investment is not always a high-yield one. But there are some with really decent returns that might be worth your while to consider.
This is especially true if you’re looking for something more long-term and don’t want the stress of watching the constant fluctuations in price or worrying about liquidity.
Options to consider include: stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, managed portfolios, real estate and more.
8. Stocks
When many people think about high-yield, high-return investment options, most people tend to first consider stocks.
Investing in stocks is an investment that you make by purchasing tiny fractions of ownership in a public company. These small fractional ownership pieces are called shares of a company’s stock.
By investing in their stock, you’re making a bet that the company grows and performs well over time.
You can invest in companies known for financial stability that deliver consistent performance, returns and dividends over time—like the “Steady Eddies” recommended by a stock picking service like Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor—or you can go for companies focused on growing rapidly.
If you make wise investments and the company you select does grow and perform well, the shares you hold may become more valuable. In turn, they become more desirable to other investors who now have a willingness to pay more for them than you did.
These appreciating assets allow you to earn a return when you sell your stocks down the road.
One of the best ways for those who want to grow their wealth with minimal risk is by investing in stocks of established companies.
The average stock market return is about 10% per year over the last several decades.
This doesn’t mean every year will return this amount—some may be higher, some may be lower—just remember that’s an average across the entire market and multiple years.
If you own individual stocks, their returns will vary even more depending on corporate performance and future-looking investment decisions.
For long-term investors, the stock market is a good investment no matter what’s happening day-to-day or year-to-year; they want long-term capital appreciation in growth companies and dividend stocks alike.
Holding equities over long periods of time is a surefire way to learn how to increase net worth.
Getting started in the stock market can be a daunting task for beginners, though it doesn’t need to be. The best investing apps for beginners make the process simple and painless to get started and continue growing your investment account balance for many years to come. Some investing apps even allow you to invest for the price of a single share (or less) if they offer fractional shares.
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→ Growth Stocks
Investing is a way of setting aside money that will work for you so in the future you can reap all the benefits from your hard work. Investing is a means of achieving one’s better future.
Perhaps said best by legendary investor Warren Buffett, investing is, “…the process of laying out money now to receive more money in the future.”
Investing aims to put your money to work and grow it over time. Growth stocks take this to another level by seeking capital appreciation as its main investing goal.
Growth stocks belong to growth-oriented businesses which can include industries such as technology, healthcare and consumer goods.
Growth companies traditionally work well for investors focused on the future potential of companies.
Growth companies focus on reinvestment and continuous innovation which typically leads them to pay little to no dividends to stockholders, opting instead to put most or all its profits back into expanding its business.
Some popular growth companies include firms like Google, Apple and Tesla.
Despite constantly reinvesting in the business, growth stocks are not without risk. Companies can make poor decisions, markets can overvalue stocks and economic mishaps can derail companies who have even the best prospects.
However, for growth stocks as a whole, they tend to provide the best return on investment over time if you can tolerate the volatility that comes with them.
But, take risks cautiously. While growth companies have a higher probability of providing an excellent return when compared to other types of investments, you should balance how much risk you are willing to tolerate.
Some companies grow at breakneck speed but have valuations to match. Taking on too much risk can undermine a portfolio and tank returns.
Instead, you might consider investing in a growth-oriented investment fund through a company like Vanguard. The company offers funds that invest in U.S. and global-based growth equities, and purchase broad swaths of growth companies and not just concentrating your risk in a handful.
If you’d like to take your portfolio more directly into your own hands by finding individual growth stocks, you might consider subscribing to services like Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor and Epic below.
Do you want to get serious about saving and planning for retirement? Sign up for Retire With Riley, Young and the Invested’s free retirement planning newsletter.
How to Find Individual Companies Worth Buying
The best stock picking services consider all of the variables discussed above when making their selections to subscribers. Have a look at two Motley Fool stock research services subscribed to by close to a million investors.
We think either subscription makes for a great short-listing system to find good stocks worth investigating yourself—and possibly even buying for your portfolio for the long-term.
Both services recommend buying and holding for no less than three to five years, departing with some of the other swing trade alerts services people use to find short-term profit potential in the stock market.
1. Motley Fool Stock Advisor: Best for Buy-and-Hold Investors
- Available: Sign up here
- Price: Discounted rate for the first year (shown below)
Motley Fool’s signature product, Stock Advisor, aims to provide investors with one thing: top picks for market-beating stocks from the site’s co-founders.
Stock Advisor is an online investment service that espouses my favorite, plain-vanilla trading style: buy-and-hold. Fool analysts provide recommendations for both “Steady Eddies” and potential high-flying stocks with sound fundamentals—an ideal combination of holdings if you want to generate strong performance without risking extremely high volatility.
Importantly, Stock Advisor doesn’t just give you a list of tickers and call it a day—it also provides investment rationales and research for each pick to help educate you before you buy.
And now, Stock Advisor membership provides access to Motley Fool GamePlan: a hub for retirement and financial planning content and tools to improve not just your portfolio, but your entire financial life. GamePlan outlines three portfolio strategies—Cautious, Moderate, and Aggressive—with picks for mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and stocks, including allocation recommendations. It also hosts a library of content about financial planning, including topics such as everyday finances, health and wellness, and estate planning. And it boasts tools including a variety of calculators, such as credit card interest and mortgage calculators.
How has Motley Fool Stock Advisor performed?
Stock Advisor stock picks have performed exceptionally well over the service’s 22-year existence. The service has made 190 stock recommendations that have historically delivered 100%+ returns.
Overall, the Motley Fool Stock Advisor stock subscription service has returned 740% through July 24, 2024, since its inception in February 2002. This number is calculated by averaging the return of all stock recommendations it has made over the past 22 years. Comparatively, the S&P 500 Index has returned 163% over that same time frame.
What to expect from Motley Fool Stock Advisor
The Motley Fool Stock Advisor service provides a lot of worthwhile resources to members:
- “Foundational Stocks”: 10 stocks that can serve as the foundation of your portfolio, whether you’re a new investor or experienced
- Two new stock picks each month
- Monthly analyst rankings of the service’s top 10 stocks based on their potential to beat the market over a five-year span
- A list of all the service’s active picks, “hold” recommendations, and closed positions
- Recommendations for stock and fixed-income exchange-traded funds (ETFs) you can use to build a diversified portfolio core
- Access to the GamePlan financial planning hub
- Access to Fool IQ, which provides essential financial data and news summaries about all U.S.-listed publicly traded stocks
- Access to a community of investors engaged in outperforming the market and talking shop
The service charges a discounted rate for the first year and has a 30-day membership-fee-back period. Read more in our Motley Fool Stock Advisor review, or sign up for Stock Advisor today.
- Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a stock service that provides recommendations for both "steady Eddie" and high-flying stocks, as well as a few ETFs for investors who want diversified holdings, too.
- Just getting started? Stock Advisor provides 10 "Foundational Stocks" you can use to anchor your portfolio.
- You're not alone! Stock Advisor membership also gives you access to a community of investors who also want to outperform the market and love talking shop.
- Limited-Time Offer: Get your first year with Stock Advisor for $99 (vs. $199 usual value) with code "FOOLISH"—a 50% discount for new members!
- Discounted introductory price
- Strong outperformance compared to the S&P 500
- High overall average return for stock picks
- High renewal price
- Not every stock is a winner
Related: Motley Fool Stock Advisor vs. Rule Breakers
2. Motley Fool Epic: Stock Picks for Any Investor
- Available: Sign up here
- Price: Discounted price for the first year (shown below)
Motley Fool Epic isn’t itself a stock-picking service—instead, it’s a bundled selection of four popular Motley Fool stock recommendation products, three of which you can only enjoy by becoming an Epic member:
- Stock Advisor: Buy-and-hold stock picks designed to deliver consistent performance with less volatility. Stock Advisor is the only one of these services you can subscribe to individually. (See our Stock Advisor review.)
- Rule Breakers: Stocks that have massive growth potential, whether they’re at the forefront of emerging industries or disrupting the status quo in long-established businesses. (See our Rule Breakers review.)
- Hidden Gems: Stocks of medium-to-large businesses, selected by Fool CEO and co-founder Tom Gardner for their “all-in, visionary leadership teams.” More so than the other services, Hidden Gems is mindful of macroeconomic and market environments—and how they might dictate how aggressively you should invest.
- Dividend Investor: This recommendation service revolves around producing equity income. Fool analysts target companies that deliver above-average yields and dividend growth, with the hope of producing both competitive total returns and an income stream that should carry you through retirement.
Epic members will get five new picks per month across the various services, can access all active recommendations, and also view Cautious, Moderate, and Aggressive strategies including specific stock allocations.
But Epic is more than just a pile of recommendation services. Among other features, an Epic membership also unlocks access to …
- Fool IQ+: Fool IQ, which comes with Stock Advisor, provides essential financial data and news summaries about all U.S.-listed publicly traded stocks. With Epic, you get Fool IQ+, which includes all the features in Fool IQ, as well as a much wider variety of financial analysis data (earnings coverage, insider trading data, analyst opinions, and more) and advanced charting options.
- GamePlan+: GamePlan, which comes with Stock Advisor, is a hub of financial planning content and tools. GamePlan+, which you get through Epic, delivers a wider array of articles and tools, as well as more in-depth coverage.
- Epic Opportunities: A members-only podcast.
You can learn more by reading our Epic review, or sign up today at Motley Fool.
→ Dividend-Paying Stocks
Dividend stocks, despite being associated with lower long-term returns than many other asset classes, are still a compelling option in some cases.
Dividends are regular cash payments issued to shareholders. When thinking of high-yield investments, these likely represent the most direct way to think of how an investment can put money back in your possession.
Because of this direct cash transfer, dividends also tell a lot about the risk profile of a stock.
When thinking about the risks involved with a stock that pays dividends (or not), consider some of these factors:
- The dividend should be far more consistent and declared in a similar (or growing amount) each quarter. Whether the stock goes up or down, the dividend comes to your brokerage account just the same. Even if your stock underperforms for a while, these dividends should give you something of value and make it easier to hold onto the stock during a market swoon or period of underperformance.
- Dividends tend to buffer major falls in price, assuming economic circumstances don’t warrant cutting dividends. Also, dividend payments remain fixed in dollars per share terms but dividend yields can rise when a stock’s price falls. That measure represents the amount of money you can expect to return based on the company’s current share price in a year. As a stock’s price falls, you’re paying less for that same dividend—assuming the company doesn’t cut it.
- Dividends represent stability to investors. Each period, the company needs to have a certain amount of cash go out the door to investors. This minimum level of cash flow going off the balance sheet means companies need to be less risky and plan for this ongoing cost as part of their corporate strategy.
As mentioned above, companies can—and some will—slash their dividends in times of economic uncertainty. While usually one of the last items for a company to cut, because it usually results in the stock plunging—people buy dividend stocks for their consistency.
When the company threatens that consistency, investors tend to sell in favor of other investment options.
Look for companies with a consistent history of dividend growth and high yields.
Conservative investors tend to find more comfort in these types of stocks because they have less risk tolerance and still get rewarded for their investment choices through regular dividend payments.
9. Index Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
Thanks to events like the Gamestop market mania of early 2021, or the sudden rise of Dogecoin, SPACs or other meme stocks, many people expect quick and high returns on investing in the stock market. But because of its volatility, this is not guaranteed.
One way to diffuse this risk and still earn good returns over time, consider using index funds as an ETF to build diversification into your portfolio.
For beginning investors, using these funds to build entire investment portfolios can make a lot of sense.
They provide instant diversification with low costs all-in-one investment. Over time, these are safe investments that build considerable wealth.
To understand what makes diversification powerful, let’s go through a thought experiment on these long-term oriented, low-risk investments.
What’s better than one company that generates an average annual return of 10%? Two companies that earn an average annual return of 10%.
What’s even better than that? Thousands of companies taken together that generate this kind of return consistently.
Why? Because any one company can befall a disaster, suffer a major setback or even go out of business. Your risk tolerance need not be as high to invest in these safe investments (over long periods of time).
If you own shares of a fund holding stock of different companies, you avoid torpedoing your portfolio because you spread the risk out to several companies.
While markets overall can drop in tandem on major economic news, by holding several companies in index funds simultaneously, your portfolio won’t take on any added risk of specific companies failing.
If you can hold through this market tumult and continue to stand strong for years to follow, the market has always rewarded you in the last century.
As an example, think back to the Great Recession back in 2008. If you had owned an S&P 500 index fund, your eyes may have watered as you saw your position lose almost half its value in just a few months.
But, if you managed to hold, over the next decade, your same S&P 500 index fund investment would have averaged 18% per year. Just imagine if you’d bought more of the index fund when it fell!
The lesson here? If you can see your stock portfolio as an illiquid basket of securities and only able to add to them, you can rest easy knowing your money will come back strong over the long-term.
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Related: 9 Best Robo-Advisors for Investing Money Automatically
10. Mutual Funds
Investing can be a daunting task for any investor, but many believe that young investors benefit from setting up mutual fund accounts at an early age.
These investment vehicles act like ETFs by purchasing a bundle of securities attempting to fulfill some stated investment aim.
Mutual funds build portfolios of underlying investments through pooling your money with that of other investors. This creates a larger collection of stocks, bonds and other investments, called a portfolio. Most come with a minimum initial investment requirement.
When a mutual fund’s securities’ values change, the net asset value (NAV) is adjusted accordingly by calculating how much more—or less—the fund would have to sell its investments for in order to fulfill shareholder redemptions. This price changes based on the value of the securities in your portfolio at the end of each market trading day.
Owning a mutual fund in and of itself does not grant the investor ownership to the underlying securities. They only own the mutual fund shares themselves. Mutual funds can be stock funds, bond funds, a combination of them or invest in other assets as well. Retirees tend to hold a combination of stock funds and bond funds in their retirement portfolio because they both can pay dividends and deliver the upside of stock investments.
Mutual funds come in two types: passively managed and actively managed mutual funds.
Managers of an active mutual fund management company buy and sell investments based on their stock research and the investment strategy of the fund. The goal of portfolio management is typically to outperform a comparable benchmark—a commonly used but risky approach.
Passively managed mutual funds simply attempt to recreate the performance of a benchmark index like the S&P 500, Dow Jones or Barclays Corporate Bond Index. These are simply index funds, but in mutual fund form.
You can invest in mutual funds through:
- IRAs (Traditional and Roth IRAs)
- 401(k)s
- 403(b)
- 457 plan
- 529 Plans
- Education Savings Accounts
All of these types of investment accounts will allow you to reap the long-term rewards of compounding returns in a diversified investment.
11. Real Estate
Perhaps one of the least liquid investments on this list, real estate can be a great investment if you have the willingness to manage your own properties.
And what’s even better right now, is with mortgage rates at all-time lows, using a loan to purchase a new property might be a good idea.
While uncertain for a time, things will return to normal and the rental real estate market should return to its past performance.
You might consider adding some of your financial resources to this asset class and lock in a fixed interest rate mortgage to take advantage of these rates for a long time.
To pursue this route, you’ll have to select the right type of real estate investment, choose whether to buy it outright or use a loan, and then maintain it while dealing with tenants. To make money, rinse and repeat.
If you can purchase smart properties in good locations for the right price, you will make easy passive income because tenants will fight over renting your real estate.
While positive from many angles, rental real estate can also prove difficult to offload should you need to raise money.
Whereas with stocks, bonds or other short-term savings vehicles, you can’t simply sell your rental properties with a few clicks on your phone.
Plus, you’ll be on the hook for maintenance and tenant problems. Renting properties can prove cumbersome and lead to many headaches.
But, if you hold your rental assets over a long time while raising rents and gradually paying down the debt, you will have more money when it comes time to retire.
You can also write off a lot of expenses related to owning and maintaining a rental property. Things like MACRS depreciation, insurance, utilities, upkeep, marketing and advertising expenses and much more.
Consider speaking with a certified public accountant (CPA) for these needs or even a certified financial planner (CFP) about how real estate might fit in your broader portfolio of low and high risk investments.
Do you want to get serious about saving and planning for retirement? Sign up for Retire With Riley, Young and the Invested’s free retirement planning newsletter.
12. Real Estate Crowdfunding Apps
It might come as little surprise, but numerous types of real estate investments appeal to many people for multiple reasons:
- the tangible nature of the investment
- low-correlation with the stock market
- multiple return components (asset appreciation and rental income)
- tax advantages
However, the hands-on factor of owning, renovating and maintaining your property as well as acting as a landlord deters many people from getting started.
Thanks to the advent of fintech, or the use of technology to enhance and automate certain financial transactions and processes, many companies now offer the opportunity to invest in real estate with or without owning property.
Currently, one of the leading (and easiest) ways to get started with real estate investing is through crowdsourced lending or purchasing.
Several online platforms cater to this investor demand by providing various levels of service, investment options, and different points of investment in the real estate value chain.
This results in you avoiding any aspect you might not wish to participate in, such as owning or managing properties but still gaining exposure to these alternative investment options.
Depending on the type of investment you wish to make in real estate crowdfunding ventures, you have multiple options available to you. Some of the most popular options include:
Equity Multiple → Invest in Commercial Real Estate
- Minimum Investment to Start: $5,000
- Type of Investor: Accredited Investors Only
Some platforms like Equity Multiple allow you to invest in individual properties, specifically commercial real estate. Others allow you to invest in real estate property portfolios.
Equity Multiple carries a minimum $5,000 initial investment and comes with a limitation on the type of investors who can participate.
Namely, Equity Multiple only allows its individual commercial real estate projects to receive investments from accredited investors.
For those interested in learning more about Equity Multiple, consider signing up for an account and going through their qualification process.
- EquityMultiple is a commercial real estate platform for accredited investors, providing investment opportunities in real estate funds, individual properties, and savings alternatives.
- EquityMultiple has a team boasting decades of real estate transaction experience. Their due diligence process whittles down a large selection of properties, accepting only 5% as target investments that they use to build a variety of portfolios that suit numerous investing objectives.
- The company has made over $425 million in distributions since its founding.
- Makes commercial real estate Investments accessible
- Intuitive website design
- High net total returns and distributions paid to investors
- Only available to accredited investors
- High investment minimum to begin
- Fee structure varies by investment, complex at times
Related: REITs vs Private Equity
FundRise → Investing in Real Estate Portfolios
- Minimum Investment to Start: $10
- Type of Investor: All Investors
Fundrise differs from the two companies above by choosing to focus on investments in real estate portfolios, or several properties in one investment. In theory, this diversifies your investment risk while providing you access to several properties simultaneously.
To date, the most popular real estate investment platform offering a portfolio approach is Fundrise. This investment platform provides several options for you to review and invest your money. Their available portfolio options include:
- The Starter Portfolio – This option allows investors to start investing in real estate with as little as $10.
- Core Portfolios (Supplemental, Balanced, and Long-Term Growth) – Each of these “Core Portfolios” comes with a higher minimum investment of $1,000 and targets a different investment objective. Supplemental aims to provide additional passive income from real estate investing on the Fundrise platform, Long-Term Growth invests money for the primary goal of capital appreciation, while Balanced focuses on both of these investment objectives. By offering these investment portfolio options, investors can choose which investment objective best aligns with their financial goals.
- Regardless of your net worth, you can now benefit from real estate’s unique potential for generating consistent cash flow and long-term gains with Fundrise starting as low as $10.
- Enjoy set-it-and-forget-it managed portfolios with standard Fundrise accounts, or actively select the funds you want to invest in with Fundrise Pro.
- Diversify your portfolio with real estate, private tech investing, or private credit.
- Low minimum investment ($10)
- Accredited and non-accredited investors welcome
- IRA accounts available
- Highly illiquid investment
Related: 11 Best Fundrise Alternatives [Accredited & Non-Accredited Apps]
13. Real Estate Investment Trusts
A REIT is a real estate investment trust, which is technical jargon for a type of real estate company that owns and manages real estate on behalf of a group of investors looking to earn passive income. They’d rather hire a team to do the work and collect their regular distributions from real estate investment trusts.
One advantage to REITs is their legal structure. If REITs pass along most of their rental income earned from properties they own to investors, they pay no corporate tax. Only shareholders pay tax in that circumstance.
Investors can purchase REITs on the stock market just like they would any other company or equity. If you’re looking for a solid income investment, dividend-paying REITs could be your way to go. The best REITs offer a quarterly or annual dividend that regularly increases and can act as a source of passive income in the future.
Investing in REITs is a good low-effort long-term passive income strategy. That said, you will need to spend time analyzing the various companies they invest in, but they can be well worth it for the long term if chosen wisely. While it is a mostly passive activity, you can lose a lot of money if you don’t know how to invest in REITs properly or don’t know what you’re doing. Much like stocks, prices of REITs can fluctuate in the short-term, causing volatility for your portfolio.
If a REIT does not generate enough income to cover its management expenses, much like a company unable to cover costs, it might have to cut or eliminate their dividends, sending the REIT downward. In other words, this passive income idea might turn into a passive income nightmare.
Related: 11 Best Non-Stock Investments [Alternatives to the Stock Market]
What are the Tax Implications of these Investment Options?
When you purchase a capital asset–be it a stock, bond, house, widget, Bitcoin, or other investment–you establish a basis equal to your cost to acquire it.
When you sell, you compare your sales proceeds to the basis to determine whether you have a capital loss or a capital gain. If your proceeds exceed your basis, you have a capital gain. If reversed, you have a capital loss.
You’ll also need to consider the time period for which you held the asset. Depending on how long you hold your cryptocurrency, your gains or losses will be considered “short-term” or “long-term.”
- Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses. When you buy and sell an asset within a year, you recognize a short-term capital gain or loss. Short-term gains are subject to the same tax rates you pay on ordinary income, such as wages, salaries, commissions and other earned income. The IRS has seven tax brackets for ordinary income ranging from 10% to 37% in 2024.
- Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses. If you buy an asset and sell it after a year, the difference between the sales price and your basis is long-term capital gain or loss. You’ll usually pay less tax on a long-term gain than on a short-term gain because the rates are generally lower. Currently, there are three tax rates for long-term capital gains – 0%, 15%, and 20%. The rate you pay depends on your income.
How Much Risk Should I Take On?
The ideal portfolio is one with minimal risk and high returns. Finding the perfect mix of yield and risk is always a compromise. Although, one thing lacking from a savings account, which prevents it from building wealth, is a high yield as compared to stocks or other assets.
Likewise, investing in stocks, even an S&P 500 index fund, can still present short-term losses (even double digit). You need to look at these investments in the appropriate context of time. Savings accounts work well for easy access to cash that earns money while idle. Stocks are long-term investments with significant upside potential over decades.